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3 Recipes to Take Advantage of the Uses & Benefits of Essential Oils

Posted by Vanity Planet on Nov 3, 2015 6:00:00 AM

Essential oils offer many uses and can provide a variety of benefits to your mind and body. Although essential oils have been used for thousands of years, they are becoming increasingly popular due to a growing interest in aromatherapy and alternative medicine.  Whether you're looking to remedy a skin irritation or relax after a long day, essential oils may be the solution. Read on for ideas on how you can incorporate three different essential oils into your life.

Three Recipes to Take Advantage of the Uses & Benefits of Essential Oils


This oil, derived from the beautiful purple flower, is used commonly for its soothing and relaxing properties. If you have a skin irritation, try applying lavender essential oil to relieve discomfort. If you're searching for a way to relax, fill your senses with this calming aroma by adding it to your Aroma Diffuser in your home or office. For a little extra R&R, use lavender essential oil to make your own aromatherapy bubble bath. Check out the recipe below. 


Lavender Bubble Bath Recipe

Gather up 1/2 tablespoon of white sugar, 2 tablespoons of vegetable glycerine, 1 1/2 cups of liquid castile soap, 5 drops of lavender, 4 drops of lemon, and 1 drop of chamomile oils. Stir them in a ceramic or glass bowl until the sugar dissolves. Pour this mixture into a large PET plastic or glass bottle, then leave it to sit for at least 24 hours before you begin to use it.



Anyone who experiences colds or allergies frequently would benefit from using eucalyptus oil. It also stimulates the immune system, and aids in clearing sinuses and alleviating muscle soreness. You can dilute a drop or two of the oil to apply to the inside of your nose, or place it in a vaporizer to breathe in the steam. Next time your feeling under weather, use the eucalyptus essential oil to create your very own chest rub. 


Eucalyptus Chest Rub Recipe

Put about an inch of water into a pot and warm it up on low. Take 2 tablespoons of either shea butter or coconut oil and place it in a medium-sized glass measuring cup to heat on low in the pot. Remove it from the heat and slowly stir in 1/3 cup of olive oil. Put this mixture in a glass or PET plastic jar, then add in 15 drops of eucalyptus, 7 drops peppermint, 2 drops cedarwood and 1 drop of thyme oils. Allow this to cure for about 24 hours for the maximum benefit.


Tea Tree

This is a type of oil that is quite popular. It is said to boost the immune system and help people fight off infections. Tea tree oil also aids in healing blemishes and various skin conditions, treating burns and cuts, and athlete's foot, among other things. You can put a small amount (such as a few drops) in your shampoo, or put a drop on your skin to eliminate blemishes. To repair and hydrate your skin, use tea tree essential oil to make lotion. 


Tea Tree Lotion Recipe

If you have oily skin and are prone to acne, this is a nice lotion to repair your skin. First, stir together 2 tablespoons of emulsifying wax, 1/2 teaspoon of stearic acid, and about a tablespoon of vegetable glycerin on low heat. Take it off the stove and add in a teaspoon of Vitamin E. Warm 1/2 cup of water over the stove or in the microwave, then stir in grapefruit seed extract, and oils (tea tree, pettigrain, lemongrass, ylang ylang and rose geranium) in the combination you want of no more than 20 drops total.


We hope you will find these essential oil uses and recipes helpful. Write a comment below, and tell us how you use your essential oils. 




Topics: Wellness, Health, Lifestyle, Aromatherapy, Essential Oil

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