what's my skin type?

Posted by Vanity Planet on Aug 26, 2016 6:00:00 AM


With the sheer volume of skin products out in the world, it can be overwhelming trying to find products that work for your skin type. Even more frustrating is trying to figure it without really knowing what your skin type is. So, before you start tearing your hair out in frustration, keep reading to figure out how to figure out what your skin type actually is.


Step 1

Wash your face. Use a neutral, gentle soap to cleanse your face. It gives your face a fresh start - and removes any dirt or oils that may have accumulated throughout your day. Don’t overdue though - your goal is to try to remove the surface gunk without changing the composition of your skin.


Step 2

Wait! Take an hour: read a magazine, hit up netflix, or update your Pinterest board. Whatever you want to do, as long as it doesn’t involve putting something on your face.


Step 3

Dab (no not the dance) your face with a facial tissue. Concentrate on your T-zone (nose and forehead).


Step 4

Analyze. Lab coat not needed, but do add a certain awesomeness. There are four general skin types:

If you have normal skin: The facial tissue won’t show oil or flaky skin. (Lucky!!!)

If you have oily skin: The facial tissue will show grease. Be aware: oily skin generally is accompanied with large pores and shine

If you have dry skin: Your face will feel stretched/crackly and the tissue shows dead, flaky skin. Moisturizing will be your best friend!!

If you have combination skin: Because having one problem isn’t enough (cue dramatic sigh). It generally means that the skin around your T-zone is oily, while elsewhere exhibits signs of normal or dry skin.


Step 5

So other than figuring out what your skin type is, there are two general “problem” types. Sensitive and Acne Prone Skin. These are pretty self-explanatory. If you have sensitive skin - your ace reacts really easily and usually results in red blotches, or in extreme cases itchy rashes. Acne-prone skin means, well you have acne. 


So yay! Now you can diagnose your skin type, and hopefully make it that much easier the next time you are shopping for some skin care products. Also be aware, your skin type can change depending on climate, diet, and other external factors. So it is recommended that you do check-ups on a regular basis.



Topics: Skin

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